The other Side of Paradise Review

The other Side of Paradise
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Karlyna Bancroft has been summoned home after being away for over a decade. Her father's health is failing and so is the family wine business. She had been called home to help save it. Karlyna and her mother have always been looked at as the other wife and the other child after his first wife died. They were also shunned due to the fact that her mother was dark skinned and she was not as fair skinned as her sister, who wanted nothing to do with the family business. Her father was not concerned by Jamacian class because he was Daddie Bancroft and was not to be questioned. However, Karlyna feels as if she has been dealing with it all of her life. The only time it was not a concern for her was when she was in the States. Now that she is home, all of those things have resurfaced along with her childhood tormentor and teenage love, Jude Spencer. Jude's family worked for the Bancroft estate and as a child Karlyna always reminded him that he was the help. As she got older she started to see Jude in a different light. That is until she caught him and her sister kissing. That put them right back at odds with one another. But regardless as to what kind of relationship they had, Jude was always there to take care of Karlyna. So it was only natural that he offered to help her get the family business back on track. He also wanted Karlyna to forgive him and realize that they were made for one another. Karlyna was having neither his help nor his affection. After a lot of persuading, maybe Karlyna is starting to come around. Only time will tell.
The Other Side of Paradise is a story that has classism, socialism, betrayal, rivalry, mystery, and love. It deals with a lot of issues that surround different classes of people within the same race and culture. Laurenz was able to blend all of these different issues together and come up with a compelling story about a young woman who has to deal with all of them and her struggle to find out who she is and where her place is among all that she has to deal with. The story starts off lagging and verbose. The use of some of the words caused it not to have a natural flow. As the story progressed, the use of language changed which made for a much better flow. The story also became very intriguing and you had to keep reading to see what would happen next. The Other Side of Paradise is a good read.
Reviewed by Tenecia
for Urban Reviews

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