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(More customer reviews)In "The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth," Jeff Doles presents simple truths on how to live and operate in the Kingdom under the rule of our Master and King, the Lord Jesus.
In recent days, the Lord has repeatedly impressed upon me the fact that Jesus did not just preach the gospel; He preached and demonstrated the "Gospel of the Kingdom." It is the "good news" that the rule and reign of God is current, it is present in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. The author, Jeff Doles, states, "[The gospel of the kingdom] is the message of heaven on earth."
IMHO, most of the church is preaching a watered-down, diluted version of the gospel, way different from that which Christ preached, and there is very little demonstration of the reality of that gospel in the world or in the church. It is "pie-in-the-sky religion" for most of denominational Christianity.
The "Kingdom of Heaven On Earth" is an excellent study of the Biblical principles necessary in order to experience the benefits of kingdom living here on earth.
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth: Keys To The Kingdom Of God In The Gospel Of Matthew
THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS HERE ON EARTH!JESUS began His ministry proclaiming, "The Kingdom of Heavenis at hand." In other words -- it is nowhere! Everywhere He went, He preached it, taught it and demonstrated it bysigns and wonders, healing the sick and setting the spiritual captivesfree. Hebrought heaven to earth and taught His disciples how to do it, too.The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is a studyof the nature and dynamics of the kingdom of Heaven onEarth, and how tolive and operate effectively in its dominion. It is a motivational commentaryon select passages in the Gospel of Matthew,to stir up your passion for thereality of God's kingdom now at work in the world. In this book, you will learnabout:
The Kingdomof the Heart
The Kingdomof Authentic Living
The Treasureof Heaven on Earth
DiscerningHeaven on Earth
The Authorityof Heaven on Earth
Parablesof Heaven on Earth
The Gloryof Heaven on Earth
The IncomparableValue of Heaven on Earth
The Controversyof Heaven on Earth
Heavenon Earth and the End of the Age
The VictoriousKingdom
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