Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I bought the Spartan Edge Lightscribe 7 bay duplicator with USB Port and HDD (D07-SSP-L) for a corporate project. The only instructions given or available is a "quick start" guide that is woefully difficult to understand and has very, very little explanation of the unit's features.
I finally discovered after MANY trials that in order to copy a Lightscribe Image, you have to create the LSI file using the included LS software, burn the LSI file to a folder on your computer, and then "copy" (not burn) the LSI file to a CD (not a DVD), insert that disk into the Master Drive, then it works. However, no matter how good the quality of the LSI image (which I created in high quality), when that image is burned to LS disks in the tower, the resulting copies are standard, medium quality. LS image burning takes about 27 minutes per run.
I then burned 400 High Quality Memorex DVD+R disks which were capabe of 16X speed, however, there were too many failures burning at 16X or even at 12X. Again, thru trial and error, I finally got acceptable results burning at 8X speed.
Overall, this machine does what it's designed to do, but you're better off having a lot of computer savvy!
Click Here to see more reviews about: Spartan Edge 7 Target Tower Light Scribe DVD Duplicator D07-SSP-L
Bring Your Discs To Life: The new Spartan 24x CD/DVD LightScribe Duplicator is easy to use and comes with everything you need to make your own personalized CDs and DVDs. LightScribe is a new technology using specialized drives, discs and lableing software to laser-etch your own custom designs onto your CDs and DVDs. This process requires no ink which eliminates all of the problems associated with conventional labeling such as smudging, cracking and peeling.
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