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(More customer reviews)This is a book that must have a place in your library. This is a rare book that slowly made its way to the US. I got my version years ago from a guy selling it in India.
At the beginning of the book, it tells of how this massive collection of scriptures were found where Jesus was supposedly to be buried. Which would make these More Valuable than the Nag Hammadi Scriptures.
But sadly this book is only one third of its full version. Why? Because Christians were so threatened by this book, that they set fire to the tent that this book was resting in. Fortunately, a third of the text had already been transcribed and sent off to England for study. It makes me so mad that a religion that preaches love and humbling yourself can house so much hate and resentment to any new text that could threaten their level of security in a religion. So sadly this is what is left of this amazing find.
But onto the book, this is a treasure trove of interesting stories that even clear up the ones that are vaguely and poorly represented in the 4 synaptic gospels. Jesus has never sounds so intelligent in these pages. It almost seems like the Jesus in the Holy Bible was somewhat dumbed down in order to appeal to the masses. Something that either Paul or Constantine could be blamed for.
This gospel even clarifies on what happened when Jesus went out into the wilderness and fasted for 40 days and night. Just as with the Buddha sitting under the Boddi Tree, worlds began to open up in front of him and the knowledge of the universe poured from out of these realms.
Finally we get a gospel, worthy of calling a gospel. Unedited by time, priests, governments, and the like. This is finally a Jesus I can relate to. Do not pass up this book. This is a rare gem and it should be sitting beside your Nag Hammadi Scriptures, The Jesus Sutra's, and the Nicolas Notovich's: Jesus in India book.
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The Talmud )teachings) of Jmmanuel (christ) may be the truetestament of Jesus. This ancient document was discovered in 1963 after being encased in resin and buried for 19 centuries. This translation from Aramaic what was written by the scribe to Jammanuel (Mathew 1 vs 23). Read what astonishing truths have been witheld and why the church does not want this information out.
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